Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Started to cut the F-725 ribs for the external steps - 2 hours

I had been thinking on how best to scallop the corner ribs. I ended up deciding that I need to transfer the centre line of the external step tube onto the corner rib. This way I would have at least a correct location to start scalloping.  I can get a little trimming done to at least give me good reference to go off of. The final trimming can easily be done once I am ready to set the steps in place.

Next I needed to cut the 1 1/2” holes in the F-725 for the steps. I unclecoed both L and R ribs and makes reference lines and a 1-1/2” diameter line....cause why not. I set up the right rib on the drill press and dug out my 1 1/2” hole saw from the basement all set to make my first cut. Then disaster struck. I basically ruined the hole. The hole saw that I have has an amount of play in it. It wasn’t immediately noticeable at first but once I started drilling it started to wander and chewed up the rib. Nice messy oblong hole.

I’ll save you the drama. I just decided to order a new rib....I already feel better about it.

Still wanting to make some progress tonight. I hoped over to preparing the two F-716 rib access cutouts for the stick controls. I match drilled with a sacrificial nut plate and then countersunk the rib for an opps rivet. The I countersunk the F-716B stiffener plate for a regular AN426AD3-4 rivets.


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