Sunday, October 18, 2020

Worked on the F-706 bulkhead - 3 hours

 I needed to spend some time working on the F-706 bulkhead. Lots of little items to do here. In particular I have to dimple a number of holes for #8 countersunk screws all because I have chose the removable baggage and floor panels. It's always stressful dimpling these holes as they are prone to cracking if you are not careful.

I followed the same method as usual. I debured, then used scotchbrite on the dremmel. Switched to #800 grit sandpaper and polished the hole with the dremmel. A little WD-40 and dimple. 

Once all the holes (and there are a lot of them). I drilled them for the nutplate, and then cleaned and spot primed.