Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Completed the Rear Spars - 5.5 Hours

Finally off from work for the holidays, I intend to put some serious work into moving forward with the wings. The rear spars were ready to rivet, so off I went. I started with the fork doublers. I did the best I could to set the AN470 rivets. I find them a tad more tricky to set than AN426 rivets as it is difficult to get the squeezer straight on the rivet. I ended up drilling out and re-setting about 8 rivets in all. but overall I am satisfied with the work. I then completed the rest of the doublers. Pretty easy to do as there are not many rivets that get put in at this time.

It took me some time to rivet because I made extra sure not to set rivets in holes that are to be left open.