I then noticed that my edge distance on my top hole of HS0005/00006 was just a bit high about 1/16". I was a tad bit concerned about edge distance. The holes line up perfectly....although getting these holes drilled perfect is extremely difficult. its hard to get the appropriate dimensions in there with the skin on and all the surrounding clecos. At worst I have an edge distance of 0.209" (0.155" from the edge of hole to edge of rib) on the top most #30 hole in the forward flange of HS00005 where it attaches to HS-710. I see the listed edge distance minimum is 0.219, so I am just ever so slightly over the limit. I will email vans and double check that I am ok.
(Darn...what its a tough spot to drill and there is little room for error!!)
UPDATE: See October 22, 2014.