Sunday, October 9, 2016

Pitot plubing lines guide - 3.5 hours

I began fabricating the guide that routes the pitot plumbing under the bellcrank. Similar to many who have used this method before me, I followed suit. I had used 0.025" material and bent a braket 90 degrees. Next I needed to properly locate the bolt holes from the spar to the bracket. A littel head scratching and I then tried a paper template. Pushing the bolts through the holes marched the perfect holes and then I could easily transfer them onto my bracket.

After drilling...The fit was perfect!

Turns out that I placed the holes too close to the bend....So I had to make another angle and start again....this time giving much more space to account for the bellcrank bracket. Then, a bit more work, a cut here and cut there....bit of checking, but of file work....bang! Done.

Cutting the wing skin and forming more brackets - 3 hours

Now all that needs to be done to finish the pitot mast rough-in is to cut the hole in the wing skin.
I used the handy aluminum template I had made yesterday and clecod it to the wing skin. I traced the outline of the pitot mast hole onto the skin, found the centerlines and made the initial holes with the unibit. I used the round files to work away at removing the excess material.

Once I was close to the line with the files, I broke out the dremel with sanding drums and went to work. Slowly but surely I made progress.
In the end, I am extremely pleased with the fit.

Now that the mast is done. I need to fabricate the bracket to hold/support the pitot and AOA lines around the bell crank.