I’ve been giving a lot of thought to how I need to plan out the fresh air vents and the headset jacks. Out of all the various examples if searched out on the net. I tend to like the headset jacks being adjacent or just below the air vent.
So I spent a bunch of time taking measurements of the plane and then drafting a few different options in AutoCAD. I finally worked out the design and printed it out on paper. Using this as a template, I can mock it up in the cockpit. One item I was concerned with is if the design would interfere with my knees… After all, I am 6’-3”. Leg and Knee space will be very important.
Well…As far as fitment. Things are looking good. Oh my the SteinAir vents look big though. Lots of fresh air will be coming my way eventually.
Now the real test….How does it fit with my knee? Well I call it a win....for now! Hopefully with the upholstery/seats in place things stay about the same.