I decided to put some work into assembling the rudder. I can
only rivet one side of the skins so that the MD-RA can inspect it before I
closed it up. All in all, the skins when on extremely nice and I cleco'd the
trailing edge on. I set up the squeezer and I set the majority of rivets on the
rudder. All in all it went really well. I ended up having to drill out and
re-set 3 rivets that I was not happy with. One rivet at the very top gave me
quite a bit of brain damage. I set too short a rivet (not paying attention). So
I drilled it out to #30 and tried to set an oops rivet but it started to bend.
So I drilled out the oops rivet. Time to think...I might need to buck this
rivet as I do not want to risk bending it and having to drill it out again.