Sunday, December 13, 2020

On a roll riveting - 6 hours

 Im on a good roll of riveting. I'm to a point where I want to get the bottom forward floor skin on. I was dreading this part a little when reading other blogs. Seems that the floor stiffeners can be a little tricky to rivet onto the aircraft. 

All that anxiety was for nothing as the riveting of the 2 floor stiffeners went really well. Yes, it is a little tricky, but I was mentally prepared to tackle the task. I used a very long rivet set to buck the most aft rivet next to the center spar.


Next I opted to move back to fuse skin riveting and I started in on completing the top most rivets on the aft side skins up to the longerons. 

Still in a good rhythm I finished off the top most section of the center/aft fuse sections.