Saturday, January 26, 2019

More work on the F-706 bulkhead - 3 hours

I haven't been feeling well lately so I've not been very motivated to get in the garage a work away. I managed to put in some hours today and advance the F-706 bulkhead. I completed drilling the F-728B angle to the 728A rib. All that was left was to drill the 1/4" holes for the bellcrank assembly. This was a head scratcher for me as how best to do this. 1/4" hole is fairly large to get centered with only the hole in the rib skin as a guide.
I decided to make a jig with a piece of oak. this will allow me to start a centered hole with a hand drill and then I can finish it on the drill press.

I used the 1/4" drill bit to ensure center of the holes. 

I then clamped the oak to the web and double checked hole alignment.

I clecoed on the angles to the web and then used the hand drill to start the 1/4" hole.

I double checked centering of the pilot and it was looking great. So I finished the 1/4" hole in the drill press.

Both holes turned out perfect.

I then completed the match drilling of F-705B/F-730/F-728/F-729. All I need to do now is debur, break edges, 3M, clean and prime. I'll save that for another day when I'm feeling better.