I am now ready to start riveting on the F-721B canopy deck (side rails). The question I have is do I also want to install the F-721A fwd canopy deck. From my research it seems that a few builders have chosen to install the both canopy decks at the same time, some don't. I reached out to a local builder who just finished his RV7A (Tracy Trathern). He indicated that I need to drill and fit some of the panel angles to the front canopy and there was still yet some riveting to that front deck. I followed his advice and will hold off on riveting the forward canopy deck.
I started riveting the aft canopy deck. Working from the center out.
I cannot rivet too far forward since space is extremely tight between the canopy deck and longeron. My bucking bars are just too thick. I will have to figure something out to finish these off. Next, I installed the seat belt anchor cable guides in the baggage bulkhead.