Sunday, July 26, 2020

Finished the F-719 Stiffeners - 3 hours

I didn’t exactly sleep that well. I was thinking about how on earth I was going to trill the holes for the F-719B clips. I thought about removing the skins to try and drill, but I feared that it could make things move a bit too much. Well I finally decided to clamp the clips to the firewall and carefully remove the firewall.

I then was able to clearly mark the angle/position of the clips.

I removed the clip and then draw a line to where the hole needs to be drilled in the firewall angle according to the plans. I could then re-position the clips and clamp then in the correct spot and drill the needed holes. I was sweating bullets but it worked out really well.

Next I took the direction from other build logs and I clamped the clips to the F-719 stiffeners. I then unclecoed the skins just enough to allow me to use a very long #30 drill bit to drill the next couple holes.

Many hours spend to do a very small task. But I couldn’t be more happy with the results.

I’m now a bit concerned on how best to do the F-717 lower longeron. Reading the other blogs I see that this is another source of brain damage for some. Let’s see what I can figure out.