Monday, September 29, 2014

Two steps forward. Two steps back! - 3 hours


I started the day with a phone call to Van's to double check with the Vertical Stabilizer concern. They assured me all was ok if I used scotchbrite to remove the scratches to the alclad made by the nose and tip ribs. As long as I prime the spot all will be good. I ordered the HS front spars that I messed up and they will arrive by the time I get home from work tomorrow. When I got home from work started again on the rudder. I enlarged the hole in the R-904 Bottom rib and then proceeded to cleco all of the assembly together and then I matched drilled the holes. I see that I have two extra holes in the R-606PP plate the and the R-405PD horn. The holes don't show up on the plans, and a quick search on the forums yields nothing. It seems logical that these are for extra rivets for reinforcement so I match drilled them and intend to used the specified AN470AD-7 rivets.
Oh Wait....I missed one step. I didn't radius the R-405PD rudder horn to nest against the R-904 bottom rib. Started to take the assembly apart and noticed that because I match drilled everything. The holes attaching the bottom rib to the R-902 spar are oblong. Crap....(I just put in an order to vans this morning...Crap). Well I checked everything else and the holes for everything but the bottom rib are spot on. I guess I will have to replace the bottom rib.
I think from now on its best to work as much as I can on all the assembly and save up my needed replacement parts and group order them!
I give up for the rest of the night.....Tomorrow is a new day!       

After a couple of hours break....I couldn't help but keep working at it, so I de-vinyled the rudder skins