Saturday, November 9, 2019

Drilled seat pans to the F-715 ribs - 3 hours

The plans have you allow a distance of 0.032" to allow a tiny gap between the seat pan and the side of the fuselage skin when it get installed. So to do this I used a scrap piece of 0.032 and epoxy'd it to a small piece of oak to use as a guide.

The oak sits on the rib, and the aluminum scrap sets the proper 0.032" distance. Ready to drill. The spacer gets placed at each hole that gets drilled out.

The holes are not perfectly set on the centre line, but I suspect its because of the 0.032" offset.

Next step was to match drill the holes on the sides of the F-704bulkhead/spar into the F-715 seat rib. This is a bit more nerve wracking then I would have liked it to be. Takes a little head scratching to set the ribs vertical position especially since I drilled the once side before I drilled the other. I had to make sure both were set the same distance (vertically)

In the end I think I did just fine.