Another day spend messing with the rudder pedals. This time I have set up the rudder pedals on the table so that I could install the master cylinders for the brakes. I am very pleased with how well the AN3-56 bolts tuned out. Very smooth motion on the brakes.
It took me some time to figure out how I wanted the Grove master cylinders set up. Being that they are adjustable, I spent some time messing with the turnbuckle until I was happy. Next I used one of my short bits from my 90deg drill and used that to mark the 3/16" hole that needs to be drilled in the brake pedal horn.
I then removed the brake pedals, and disassembled them. The drill bit makes a nice arc "scratch" that I can easy find centre on. Then I drilled them to 3/16". I reassembled everything and it works great!