Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Debur, Prep, Dimple and Prime Aft Fuselage - 6 hours

Not much in the way of pictures, It’s taken me a couple of evenings to disassemble, debur all the holes (This took some time as a few of the holes gave me some trouble...The F-711 bulkhead holes that were extremely difficult to cleco and a few holes had some nasty burrs) it takes a little extra care to debur. A few holes I buffed with some maroon scotchbrite. Next I broke all the edges with a file and smoothed them with the 3m wheel. I worked the edges that overlap other skins with the edge forming tool. After that I dimpled all the holes with the exception of the F-706 bulkhead holes and the two holes for the rudder stop.

Lastly everything was scrubbed with maroon scotchbrite. Degrease wipe, MEK wipe, Acid wash with Cleanbrite, another MEK wipe and finally prime.