Monday, June 26, 2017

Rivited the 2nd left aileron skin to the spar - 3 hours

In order to attempt the riveting of the 2nd aileron skin i decided the best course of action was to call in some experienced help. I asked my friend Mike who is an AME to come give me a hand bucking the rivets. Sure enough, we ran into the issue of the rivets wanting to slump straight away. We drilled a couple out and tried again. Yup, they have a tenancy to want to slump. We double checked everything we could, the bucking bar is nice and straight but just not bucking good.

We then decided to brace the aileron with a framework to help alleviate and bending while riveting. We suspect that the forces placed on the aileron while trying to buck is bending/tipping the aileron enough to affect how straight the rivet is with the bucking bar. 

The frame work certainly helps a lot, rivets went together nice and straight. However we found towards the middle of the aileron the there is a tendency again for the rivets to slump. So, we decided to back rivet these with a C-frame rivet set and mike on the bucking bar on the exposed side. We did a partial set of the rivet and then switched back to the bucking bar inside and rivet gun outside with the flush set to complete the rivet buck. Worked like a charm. I am very satisfied with the result. Very good rivets.

I am all ready for pre-close inspection

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Started riveting the 2nd left aileron spar - 1.5 hours

I riveted the reinforcement plates to the main spar and then cleco'd the aileron assembly together. I then began to rivet the end/nose ribs to the main spar.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Drilled the 2nd left aileron counterbalance pipe - 3.5 hours

Next order of business is to drill the aileron counterbalance pipe. Truth be told, this is not a process that I enjoy. It takes a bit of time and you pretty much need to do the drilling by hand. I cleco'd the assembly together and started drilling the holes with #40 drill bit. I inserted a #40 cleco in each hole as I drilled. Then, I went back and drilled out all the holes with #30.

Once all the drilling was done, I then set up the drill press and countersink the pipe to accept the pull rivets. One item that I did differently this time round was to dimple the leading edge skin of the aileron by hand with a mallet rather than using the rivet gun on light pressure. One or two light taps with the mallet is all that was needed to provide a crisp dimple.

I then prep'd and primed all the remaining pieces and began riveting the nose rib to the counterbalance pipe.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Match drilled 2nd left aileron - 5 hours

Managed to put in a big day (well sort of) on the build. I finished up the back riveting in short order.

I had picked up a material yesterday to build the bending brake and the wood dowel so I could bend the skins. I was sure this time to slightly notch the wood dowel to allow the skin to be bent without the stiffeners digging into the dowel preventing a nice tight bend.

Once the skin was bent. I began the task of match drilling all the aileron spar components. Everything went well, same as the first one.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Back riveting stiffners - 1 hour

Not a whole lot to comment on, 2nd time just same process as before. I was sure to use some 3145 RTV on the last inch of the stiffener.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Prep and prime 2nd left aileron parts - 3 hours

I deburred the holes in the stiffeners and skin of the 2nd left aileron. I cleaned and scuffed the parts, de-grease, MEK and primed. Good to go!

Friday, June 9, 2017

Match drilling 2nd Aileron Stiffeners - 2 hours

Back around December shortly after I messed the first left aileron up I had ordered a replacement aileron. When it arrived I started in on trimming the stiffeners and shaping them. But after that, it just sat there as I was fully committed to complete ground school. So...after many months of ground school I decided I need to take a break and shake things up a bit. I pulled out the aileron parts and decided to get that done.

I needed to de-vinyl the skins, and then I match drilled the stiffeners onto the skins.