Monday, October 13, 2014

Prepping the rudder skins, stiffeners and the Verticle Stablizer - 2 hours

I can't progress much further on the rudder unless I rivet the stiffeners to the rudder skins. I laid out the stiffeners on the rudder skins to ensure that the stiffeners did not interfere with the rudder spar and trailing edge.

I then worked on the fit of the rudder skins around the R-405PD rudder horn. The skins were a touch too tight, so using a small flat file I carefully enlarged the opening. I was pleased with the fit of all pieces.

I then began to scuff up all the rudder stiffeners, rudder skins as well as the Vertical Stabilizer pieces with red scotchbrite pads.  
I noticed that the VS-707 had a point of impact with something located almost directly in the middle of the part. Something sharp had struck it. I'm not too alarmed, but I figure that if I drilled out the point of impact with a small #40 hole, this would relieve the stress point and shouldn't cause any issues. My thinking is that this would be no different than a tooling hole like on every other rib.

UPDATE! - (October 15th) I have received a confirmation e-mail from Ken at Van's that my proposed solution will work just fine.