Sunday, January 17, 2016

Match Drilling Right Wing Skins - 4 hours

In all my measuring and fit-ups I notice that the spar wants to bow slightly nearest the inboard side. When clecoing the skins eveything fits really nice with the exception of the last three outboard holes on the spar. So I decided to use another jack on that end. Once set up the alignment was much better.

I re-strung the lines. Looks good.

I then cleco'd the skins on to make sure the wing was aligned (ribs are at right angles) then I re strung the plumb bobs to ensure there was no twist.

I began clecoing on the skins and started to match drill. In my haste, I was not paying attention to the depth I was drilling and I did this on the rear spar rivets. Crap! I might have to replace some.

Update: I called Vans and they felt that this is not a cause for concern for this particular instance. Better to leave this one alone then mess with it. Vans support is so good. Very easy to run questions by the folks who know!