Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Still working on F-705 Bulkhead - 6 hours

Everything is rolling along nicely with the Bulkhead. I did some research into when I should incorporate the "Almost an RV14" seat mod from Antisplat Aero. Looks like everyone says during the build is a great time, seem I just don't need to rivet on the F-705F channel. I can just cleco it on for now and then replace it withe the seat mod when I get it.

I need to drill the F-705H spacers in the rear spar fork. I scratched my head a bit about the best way to do this. I opted to eyeball it and drew a center line down the middle of the spacer. I then slipped it in the fork, lined it up and clamped it.

I then took my drill and very lightly started the hole to see if I was perfectly on center. Yup, all is good.

I drilled a little more by hand to start a proper pilot hole and finished the job on the drill press.

Next I marked out on the rear spar fork where the ends needed to be cut. I cut both F-705C and F-705B on a level platform on the bandsaw. I then found a level plane and finished the cut on the sanding station.

Perfectly aligned. I did check my measurement of the F-705B length and I am just a tad shy of the 45 3/32", I'm more closer to 45" maybe 45 1/32". I suppose by ensuring I had good 1/2" edge distance with that inboard hole, and then measuring out the 12 1/2" I may have tightened things up just a tad. Realistically we are only talking about 1/32" out on the ends.

Looking a Section H-H on drawing 38 I have a bit of wiggle room with that bolt location. I will be really good if most folks have to trim up the ends of the rear spar fork when they fit the wings. However if it is an area that most have trouble with it being short with anyway, I might find my options a bit more limited. I better check around to see what people have done during wing fitment.

Update Jan 4/18: I checked with Vans about the dimensions. Most ideal is to maintain 3/4" clearance (as noted in Section H-H) on all 4 sides. This dimension is not only from the end of the spar fork (that meets the wing) to the bolt, but also from the outboard end of the wing rear spar to the bolt. Vans noted that the rear spar should touch the spacer, so as long as the dimension from the spacer to the end of the spar fork is no less than 1.25" (5/8" min x 2) I am all good. 1.5" is optimal (3/4" x 2) and I sit at 1 9/16" so I am better than Optimal. 

I would be best to make a exact template of my rear spar to confirm the exact trimming dimensions of the rear spar. I'm a bit leery of those shown on Drawing 38. I don't want to trim too much of the rear spar.

Now I'm ready to trim down the F-605C doublers. 

Next step I am drilling the left side of the F-634 seat belt anchors. I marked out the location and set up a jig on the drill press. This way all of the left side seat anchors are drilled the same.

I had some spare .187" aluminum angle left over so I cut a spacer out of that to help get the best setup for drilling the right side of the anchors.

I bolted the spacer in between the anchors and fitted it to the assembly. Once I was happy with the square if the installation. I clamped everything down and back drilled the right anchor for a pilot hole. I then dissembled, and finished the right side anchors on the drill press. 

Super happy with how nice it turned out.