Being that I messed up my original C-762 Canopy slide rail spacer. I had to pull out my original one as a replacement.
Back when I ordered my supertacks mod I had ordered the long RV8 Spacer and slide rail in an effort to make it all one piece rather than 2 sections. Well...Messing up the spacer derailed that idea somewhat. Without spending a bunch of money on shipping, I will have to make the space 2 pieces, but at least I can make the slide rail one piece.
Well, second try here we come! I checked the angle of the spacer.
Next I drew out centerlines on all pieces and then stater initial drilling moving from front to back.Now comes the somewhat difficult task of getting the slide rail tightly bent around the curve in the spacer. This is where basically every small clamp I own is used. After clamping and checking, and re-clamping and re-checking. I started to drill the rivet holes.
After an initial fit check, I was able to confirm the potential mounting screw holes and also plan the fitment of the rear most section of the spacer.