Saturday, December 26, 2020

Primed parts and assembled the F-635 bellcrank - 5 hours

 Started today's build session by prep'ing and priming all of the various aft deck parts from yesterday. I also cleaned up and primed the F-796A fuel tank brackets. Since they are unfinished steal, after a couple of years they are starting to show signs of rust forming. 

Next I had assembled the F-635 bellcrank. Looks so good and assembly is so quick.
Next, I need to drill the bellcrank for the Dynon auto-pilot servo. Getting precise measurements here is a little tricky, as finding exact center on the protruding bearing tough.

This ended up being an easy fix as I drew a template in AutoCAD, and cut out the hole for the bearing. I was easily able to locate the pilot hole correctly and accurately. I finished the hole on the drill press with a reamer.