I received new 0.63" 3/4" x 3/4" angle a few days ago so I can recut the F-729B angle and make the F-728B angle. I was really stumped by the 1/8" diameter hole callout on the F-728B piece and then it occurred to me that this was the initial hole for the first cleco to attach the angles to the webs. When working on the F-729B and F-729C pieces I thought that he 1/8" holes were to match up. And technically that's half true. Turns out that the 1/8" hole is a pilot hole for F-729C to attach to F-728B. However the 1/8" hole in F-728B is for the first cleco to the 728A rib. This is why I was having edge distance issues when using the Van's Dimension given for the overall length (24-5/32"). Silly me. Of course I figured this out after I drilled the 1/8" hole for my new F-729B angle, so I just have to roll with it. In the end, I recut the F-729B angle and managed to get all those pieces fit together and holes perfectly aligned with excellent edge distance. It just took me way longer than necessary.
I began assembling the pieces as per Drawing 26. however, I noticed that the webs and pieces weren't sitting parallel. I was unsure about the final fitment at this point.
I disassembled the pieces and drilled the F-729A and B pieces together. Next, to ensure the most correct alignment, I clecoed the assembly/ribs to the bottom fuselage skin to ensure all piece where in the correct position. Once I was happy with fitment I then drilled the F-730/F-729C.
I have the 1/8" holes aligned. I will final drill these to #30 when I am ready to rivet.
I have excellent edge distances on the F-729A angle.