This is not a job that I was looking forward to. On all of the build logs...I knew this was going to result and a good amount of hours.
Well. First thing first was I drew up a template in AutoCAD according to the dimensions given on the drawings. I printed it full scale and cut it out. Taped it onto the piece and traced the outline.
This give me a good reference point to work to. Using the bad saw, I cut out the pieces.
The next step was to use a file to help work down the edges. This took quite a long time. The work is slow....but its fairly precise.
Next step the T-410 nose plate is used as a guide for the bottom flange of the angle. So, using a dremel, I carefully separated the T-410 and T-407 pieces.
I then marked out lines on the T-410 plate to establish the correct placement on the angle. Once everything was set, I traced a line on both pieces, and cut with a band saw. I checked and re-checked to make sure I made a left, and a right. I did NOT want to mess this one up.
More work with the files....checking, filing, checking some more. Re-traced the 1" radius for reference. More filing.