I managed to get the outside two floor stiffeners placed and drilled and not a task that I enjoyed. To start, I double checked the correct center by installing the F-982 coverplate. And sure enough Vans wants the "Centerline" to be drawn based on the dimension of the inside face of the web (3/4"minus thickness of the web) and not based on the full width of the angle (3/4") Insert eye roll here.
Once the 'Centerline' is transcribed on the back of the angle. Now comes the tricky part. Its easy enough to secure the aft end of the stiffener at F-704 bulkhead. I used a block of wood as Mike Bullocks build log
But getting the front end of the angle set is tricky as there is nothing to secure it with. So with the help of lots of tape and my kids holding from below, I managed to get it. Not only is it tricky to get the centerline aligned with the holes in the floor skin, but it is critical to get the whole angle placed forward and aft correctly to ensure proper edge distance on the ends of the stiffener. Drawing edge distance lines on the ends helps with this, but makes placing the angles correctly much more finicky.