Until those arrive I’m forced to just putz on some miscellaneous center section items until I can get back on track. I prepped and primed the F-715 rib inserts as I need to get a days worth of dry time on the primer before I can assemble.
It’s been bugging me a little that I messed up the hole in the luggage rib, so off to Home Depot to buy more tools. And sure enough I managed to fine a proper 1 1/2” hole saw with a fine tooth pitch perfect for drilling the holes I need. Too bad I didn’t have this to begin with.
I set up the drill press and made quick work of the task.
Next I decided to re-cleco the luggage rib into the assembly and wouldn’t you know...No way that its gonna go back in there without a fight. So after some head scratching I decided to disassemble everything. I’m going to have to use the special cleco method attaching the bottom skin I learned a few days ago however there’s no point in getting it re-clecoed until I have the replacement F-725R rib in.
So I’m settling on disassembling the center section and do all the other stuff that needs to be done. (I have the crotch strap, aileron trim, and a host of other bits to do) Once I have the replacement parts I can re-cleco the assembly and proceed with finishing the work for the external steps and match drilling the seat/luggage floors (which I think I need the bottom skin in place to be accurate)
So after getting the bottom skin off I decided to notch all the center ribs for the wiring holes first. They are all marked and ready to notch.
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