Friday, December 28, 2018

Removing stickers from powder coat pieces

So here is a neat trick. I always hated the paper stickers that Vans puts on the pieces as they never peel off nicely, When they are placed on bare aluminum parts its no big deal as Acetone and MEK take the stickers off. However this doesn't work on the powder coated parts as both Acetone and MEK seem to soften or dull the power coat finish. I think MEK would take off the coating completely if you rubbed hard enough.

I ended up using a damp rag and that easily removes the top paper layer of the sticker.

But what is left is the annoying part. The adhesive layer.

Take a different cloth and spray a bit of WD-40 and then wipe, and the Adhesive layer comes off in an instant. Better yet there is no dulling the powder coat finish.

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