Monday, October 5, 2015

Rolling the rudder leading edge - 3 hours

I know this. I really don't care for rolling the leading edges. It's not fun. I used the method Van's describes in the manual. Using 3/4" and 1" aluminum tubing, with the help of a friend we rolled the edges but it just plain sucks. It's very hard to describe how it feels, it just doesn't work well. You really need to take your time and roll, check, remove the pipe and use your hands, Put the pipe back on and roll some more, check, fiddle, etc, etc. By the end, some holes line up well, some feel forced. Ahh...I just don't enjoy this part. Took a long time to get the rudder done. I still have to figure out a way to get the top most pop rivet set. My puller is too big to get in there! 

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