Monday, September 2, 2019

Riveted the F-705 bulkhead - 6 hours

Well here is some fun riveting, I cleco’d the F-705 bulkhead to the seat ribs, and then started to install the luggage ribs to the F-705 bulkhead.

I struggled for a while to figure out how best to rivet this. I ended up bucking all of them. Nearly all are shop side forward using the double offset and extra long rivet set. These I did all by myself, no bucking partner was available. And yes I was sweating bullets the whole time. I soon ran into one tricky spot. Middle rib, Pilot side. The rivet has slumped, drilled it out, slumped it again. Now I’m worried it will happen a third time.

 I decided not to be a hero, pulled out the cherry max gauge and figured out how to solve the problem. A CR3213-4-2 rivet saved the day.

After that the riveting went very smooth all things considered. 

I was finally left with the top most rivets which access is hindered by the angle in the seat rib. After much head scratching. Changing squeezer yokes. The only way possible to get these set was to you a steel bucking bar I’ve never used. I went to it.....and it worked. Wow!
And done!

Then I noticed a critical miss. I didn’t dimple the bottom of the F-705 flange. I was just too excited to start riveting. I cleaned the holes, and dimpled with the squeezer. That is very tight space. 
I cleaned and reprimed the holes. I called it a day.

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