Thursday, February 14, 2019

Preping F-706, F-712 bulkheads for priming - 3 hours

One of the big jobs that needs to be done is to prep the bulkhead parts for priming. Before I dive into that I was sure to open up the holes for the rubber cables and the static line.

Like the wing ribs these tend to be a little annoying as of all the corners and flanges. Going through each edge and notch is a bit tedious but it goes a bit quicker with the 3M on the dremmel and that does an excellent job on polishing.

When ever I have a stubborn hole that does not like to come clean with the debur tool, I buff the hole with the 1" 3M square on the dremmel and it cleans it up nicely. (I also found that doing this gives much better success of dimpling without cracks on the wing tanks back when I worked on that piece. So why not continue using the method?)

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