Thursday, October 13, 2016

New tools have arrived - 1 hour

 I needed some grease to fit the bronze bushings in the aileron bellcranks and I didnt want to use just any grease that I had sitting in the garage. I felt it wise to order some proper grease. So I managed to order a few things from aircraft spruce earlier in the week. Well, when I arrived home today there was a nice package awaiting me from Aircraft Spruce.

In addition to grease, some tite-seal, aircraft handbook, more cleco pliers  clamps, and a selection of screws for the fuel tank hatches as well as other odds and ends.

I was eager to get started on the bellcranks. First thing that needed to be done to ensure a proper fit is to sand down some of the powder coating to ensure a proper fit. I used 600grit sandpaper on a oak block and I carefully worked the piece. I want to remove the excess, but do not want to remove the protective coating. After some careful work, I was happy with the result.

Next, the plans require you to trim down the brass bushings to sit 1/32 to 1/64 proud of the bellcrank. After reading a few construction blogs, I felt hand chucking the brass bushing in the drill press the best way to ensure a even trim. I used the same 600grit sandpaper on oak and went to work.

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