Friday, September 2, 2016

Even more fitting and match drilling aileron brackets - 4 hours

One of the last items that I need to do is complete the rivets in the far outboard end of the wing (top skin). My compact wing stand did not allow me to reach these rivets in the stand, so I need to do them off the stand but before I begin to attach the aileron hinge bracket. So I made short work of the right wing.

Now that the right wing was ready, I started to match drill the aileron brackets to the wing. I really wanted to avoid getting aluminum shavings into the wings, so I used some scrap cardboard to direct shavings away.

 I also fitted the aileron stiffener S.B.
Another item on the to-do list was to address a bucking bar mark on the wing spar. A small mark was made accidentally when the bucking bar slipped while riveting, the mark was small and did not have an  edge, but the anodizing was scratched. So in the interests of maintaining corrosion protection, I removed the rivet, buffed the spot out with scotchbrite and primed it. Was it, but I feel good that I did something with it.

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