Next step is to clean up the FL-706B bracket, bend it and then drilling the FL-706A bracket and then drilling that assembly to the flap structure.
First thing I did was to fit the FL-706A angle bracket to the FL-706B bracket and drill the holes.
I marked out the bend line on the FL-706B bracket and clamped it in a vice. The plans call for bending it 6.3 degrees!! Well, its a bit tricky since the material is so thick, but I managed to get really close. After some check, fit, bend, check, fit, I made the pieces work.
Now..this is where things get tricky...This ended up not being the best sequence as now I had a tough time getting the hole for the future flap control rod bearing to align. On the first go round, the holes did not match up well. Fortunately when I swapped the FL-706A angle brackets the holes aligned extremely well. Whew...Dodged a bullet there.
Now that the assemblies where done, I clecoed them to the flap assembly and began to drill the holes into the FL- 703 spar and the FL-704 rib. Everything went well, except it seems that my first hole for the second flap assembly ended up drilled incorrectly. I thought I had the fit sorted before I drilled....guess not. After re-fitting.. I was about 0.030" out on my hole. Shoot!
So I have two options now. Order a new spar, and re-use the FL-706A bracket, or make a new FL-706A bracket and re-use the spar (back drill the incorrect hole to the new bracket). Well both options need new parts from Van's.
Build Tip - So in Hindsight. If I redid the flap assembly, I would change the sequence of the build to maximize opportunities for the best possible fit. Sequence is as follows.
Step 1 - After fitting the flap assembly, you start fabricating the FL-706A angle bracket, cut it to the 2 5/8" length, but DO NOT TRIM the 3/4" leg just yet.
Step 2 - Edge prep the FL-706B bracket, bend it to the required 6.3 degrees. Then cleco the bracket to the flap assembly using the hole for the future rod bearing for proper alignment just as the plans call for.
Step 3 - Start fitting the FL-706A bracket to the FL-706B bracket and the flap assembly with clamps, but do not drill holes just yet. Make sure the bottom edge of FL-706B fits nicely with the skin. Once all looks great. begin to drill the holes for FL-706B into the FL-704 end rib. Cleco all holes.
Step 4 - Now that the position of FL-706B is locked in. Trace the outline of the bracket onto the FL-706A angle will be extremely close to the required 3/4" dimension mentioned in step 1 but will allow you to fine tune the fit so that it is perfect.
Step 5 - Clamp the FL-706A/FL-706B together and ensure good fitment. Carefully remove assembly, and drill the remaining holes that attach FL-706A/FL-706B in a drill press. Cleco the two pieces together.
Step 6 - Reinstall the pieces on the flap assembly and drill remaining holes that attache FL-706A into the spar.
In my opinion this sequence gives better opportunity for a precise fit than the sequence that I used for my build.
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