So after I did some checking on the forums this are seems to be a bit of a tricky area for some builders. First off the holes noted to be left open do not match between drawing #12 and #38. Next issue is do you not dimple these areas, or do you drill and dimple them now. Well...more reading on the forums and a message sent to Wirejock (Larry Larson) I think I have it figured out.
I've decided that drawing #38 is the correct drawing for locations. Everyone says "about every third hole". Ok...That's settled. Next Wirejock recommended leaving the hole undimpled and keep the #40 pilot hole. He said that I will use these holes to cleco on the fairing later. Good enough for me!
So...Of course I had to flatten out the necessary dimpled holes on the left wing rib that I had done yesterday. Not a big deal as you typically can flatten a small dimple without structural issue. Better yet, down the road I will have to drill open these holes to a larger diameter anyway so its totally fine in the end no mater what.
Once I had the left wing fixed up. I needed to complete the few countersink holes and rib dimples that where left on the right wing. I then cleaned, masked off the front and rear spar and primed.
While I waited for the primer to dry, I prep'd the right leading edge skin (debur, edge roll, and dimpled) same as yesterday.
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