Thursday, February 4, 2016

Tank Z-Brackets Research

Time to figure out how to do the z-brackets. Reading the construction logs, it can be a tad bit difficult to figure out what the best course of action is here. Everyone is on board with the Hurlbut method that Dan Checkoway had popularized. But I was unsure on where the center line was derived from. Was it the top of the flange or the bottom of the flange. Different build logs have center lines on either side. Great response to questions on Van's Airforce. The method and procedure started to fall into place.

Center lines are drawn on the bottom flange (The face that sits against the spar). From that point....The holes are offset to one side 1/16". The offset is towards the web for all the outboard flanges. This places the nutplace close to the web, and thus maximizes the clearance for the pop rivets that are later installed. For the most inboard z-bracket though. The offset is opposite and is 1/16" (away from the web). This places the AN3 bolt such that there is room for the socket head.

I'll give it my best shot and see how things turn out. Worst case is that I just need to re-order more z-brackets. 

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