Monday, September 28, 2015

Trying to finish the HS...Trying - 1 hour

I took a small step back. I've been reading on the Forums about attaching the rudder counterweight. Some have suggested using adhesive on the counterweight when installing. I too think that this makes sense. I've always been taught to glue and screw with wood work, so this made sense to me. I unbolted the weight, and put on a thin coat of my 3145 RTV and then re-bolted/re-torqued the assembly.

I then set to work on riveting the last few items on the HS. All went well with the exception of one rivet in the front spar that I managed to keep folding over. I had to drill it out a couple of times, which then prompted me to use an AD470AD5-8 rivet since the hole got just a tad too big. Unfortunately, i don't have the proper offset rivet set for this size. Now I need to put another order in. Oh well...s*%t happens! Grrr

Later my friend Mike came by in the evening and we spent a few hours on completing the back riveting of his F1 Rocket Elevators (RV8 elevators) and we bent them and the rudder using the wood brake. Worked like a charm! 

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