Saturday, September 5, 2015

Bending trim tabs - 5 hours

A big day for working on the elevators. With the help of a friend we built a small bender. Using the 1/8" dia dowel I proceeded to bend the trim. I repeated the same process as the elevator skins...taping a dowel inside and placing the skin up against the hinges and then very slowly bent the skin. It turned out perfect. Since I ordered a second trim a while ago...I did the second. Just in case. 

I then bent the tabs. I cut a wood block (~10 deg) to fit exactly in the profile I wanted. I then rounded the edges of the block with the belt sander to ensure that the folded aluminum had about the 1/8" dia corner. (The aluminum could crack if the bend is too sharp). 

I followed the exact method described in the instructions and the result was good. I did the second trim tab and this time it was near perfection. Be careful with the wood block as it can put a slight crease where the edge hits the aluminum. By the way...the rivet gun with the flush set works perfect. A low, low setting is good. I should point out that it is very important that the block on top is not located over the trailing edge....the result is that it can put a small dimple into your trailing edge if you do.

I then started to bend the tabs on the elevator but stopped when I noticed that I needed to trim a very small amount off the tab so it won't dig into the skin when bent.  

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