Sunday, October 26, 2014

Dimpling stiffeners - 1 hour

Unfortunately, I didn't seem to have a lot of energy to putting hours into the build. Work is really busy and taking a lot out of me. I managed to dimple the rudder stiffeners. My standard dies don't clear the radius of the stiffener, but after a little head scratching, I used my 3/32" tight fir dimpling die from Cleveland tool in the press, which worked out very well.  I ended up putting another order into cleveland tool for the small diameter dimple dies, as well as a screw on mandrel that I am missing for deburring operations. I also put an order in to Aircraft Spruce for some Dow Corning RVT #3145 clear. I thought about going Ultra Blue from Permatex, but I opted for the expensive stuff since I am applying it to my stiffeners and skins which are epoxy primed. 

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