After which, I began studying for the P-STAR pre-solo exam. Which just goes hand in hand with studying for the written PPL exam. Studying for the P-Star was fairly easy as a good potion of the info is a refresher of the PPL course and I just needed to memorize a few details such as what the different tower lights mean (red, green, white) and some airspace heights. So I studied and memorized for a week and wrote the P-STAR exam. Managed an excellent mark!
I switched back into review and wrote more third party practice exams. The last weekend in July I managed to study three days straight studying about 25 hours total. Everything was solid in my head.
So August 1st was my scheduled Transport Canada Exam for my PPL. I passed! 89%. Nailed Navigation, but Air Law I struggled a bit. So I won't get lost, but I may end up in Jail.
In retrospect the actual Transport Canada Exam was quite difficult. Seemed like most of the questions they asked were all parts that I didn't study heavily for. And all the parts that I crammed studying on they didn't ask. Isn't is the way it goes.
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