I began playing with the fit on the spar.
Looks like I will have to watch the clearance with the spar rivets.
Now at this point I could see how things were going to work out. More in terms of the rivet lines. One thing that I wanted to do was have the horizontal rivet line, in line with the rib/skin rivets.
Another item of concern was making sure that the ribs were going to be in the right place to make the stiffener. My solution was to make a template based on the skin. I took a piece of scrap and similar to the method used in the spar doubler, I match drilled the rivet holes from the skin.
Now that I had the correct placement of the rib holes, I now could ensure that my rivet line going across would line up with the rib rivets.
Here it is fit into place.
I was sure to check, check and re-check that the mast center line was correct and perpendicular with the spar.
No, I needed to place the mast, so I needed to cut a template to trace onto the scrap. I didn't want to use the paper template just yet, so I used a piece of cardboard.
It makes a perfect outline when you press the mast on it.
Now that I had the outline, I could trace it onto the scrap piece and find the correct fit/location.
It sits a little forward as the mast frame makes contact with the spar/skin rivets. I may need to either move the mast back slightly, or simply remove a little material from the mast plate to clear the spar rivet shop heads
I haven't drilled the spar holes into the pitot mast just yet, and I'm thinking on when its best to drill those holes.