Now to figure out the holes to make in all the wing ribs. I have been researching this for a while and I have a pretty good idea of what I need to do, but I think I'm going to post on Van's Airforce just to make sure that what I plan will work just fine.
Here's what I plan to have:
Left Wing - AerosunVX Landing Lights and Pulsar Nav Lights, Dynon Heated AOA Pitot, Wingtip NAV antenna, Vans Stall warning.
Right Wing - AerosunVX Landing Lights and Pulsar Nav Lights, Dynon Autopilot Servo.
Revision #2 updates:
Moved pitot heat, autopilot, stall warning to 3/4" Conduits. Opens up the original 7/16" holes for potential NAV/Comm antenna's (or other wiring i.e. Remote Magnetometer)