After jumping in the plane we made our way to the end of the runway. Eugene kindly offered to let me try taxing and I must admit, it has been a while. Not so smooth, Ahh. Rookie things like keeping it smooth and straight, or not straightening out after turning around for the run-up. We took a short flight out to Killam-Sedgewick for a refuel. The air was as smooth as glass and again Eugene offered up the controls. I felt like I did a better job keeping it smooth compared with last time I flew. But I need to work on my scan more. I find I can focus on one thing and lose focus on another. Just need practice.
I had the controls up to getting into final approach which was new for me. Again. Need to practice. Little things like; applying carb heat before reducing power, Or keeping the nose straight while reducing power and deploying flaps.
Again on the return flight, I had controls for straight and level and felt quite comfortable with it. As we approached, I had controls through crosswind, downwind and base leg. Kept going around into final approach with full flap. Again...Struggled a bit keeping it smooth and straight as my focus was on flaps, speed, power. And just when I had my attention on those things my speed was dropping. Eugene was there to remind...but I think that this was my biggest personal no-no. I had let my speed drop a bit too much onto the final approach. I am annoyed with myself for not being ahead of it as I think that is a pretty critical item. Well...Just have to work on it. (And work on adjusting trim after flap another rookie move).