Today was filled with a lot of reading and research. Basically at this point you need to have a fairly good idea of what systems you will be using. Fuel Injected, or Carbureted – This dictates the Aux fuel firewall doubler. I’ve read suggestions if you are using the Vans gascolator (or perhaps the Andair gascolator) you would be wise to install the VA-161 Gascolator Bracket now rather than later as it becomes fairly tricky to do it later. I have my eye on the Aerolab flush Gascolator from flyboys, but I am reading all of the opinions on it and they are generally favorable. I do like the advantages of the design (easy to access, good filter, behind fire wall). I will have to think more on this.
I also did some research on the brake reservoir. I do have 2 sets of Grove brake master cylinders, so it would be nice to have the Grove reservoir. I see that people have different methods to mount this to the firewall but I will have to be careful of the engine mount so that it is not in the way. I read up on the Reservoir Dog attachment for the Vans unit that will allow aerobatic maneuvers. Lots of decisions.
Other than the VA-161 Gascolator Bracket, I don't have to worry too much about what systems I am going to use at this moment in time.
I started with setting up the bulkhead to place the F-601J angles. I found that using the scotch tape for the shims like everyone else uses works really well.
Next I clamped the angle to the bulkhead and used the 3/32" drill-bit spacer at the bottom that everyone uses. I borrowed a dice from the kids as a small spacer to allow me to clamp the angle flange.
One thing that I've learned early on, is chances of success are far better if you drill thick material on a drill press rather than by hand. drilling thick material by a palm drill will always have a slightly crooked hole. This can create edge distance issues, and a crooked hole, means crooked rivet, which often results in poor slumped rivet. Always try to use a drill press if you can!
So I flipped the bulkhead over and back drilled all holes a slight amount - not all the way through. This makes a nice pilot hole in the thick material for completing drilling on the press. The results are always perfect!