I then used AD426 rivets and scotch tape to hold/alight the spacers on the gear web so I could cleco in the F-902 bulkheads.
With everything set, I was ready to drill.
Spacers looked great!
The right side of the aircraft came out really good, but for some reason left side wasn't sitting correctly when I drilled. I noticed something was off when I tried to disassemble. Yup, sure enough, the alignment is all sort of off. I believe I didn't have the keeper cleco in the left side gear web correctly and as a result I misdrilled the F-902 bulkhead. Darn...I gotta order that new part.
I decided that it's best I just prep the gear webs for final drilling to ensure a great fit. I spent some time really trying to get a good radius on the 0.063 material so it will nest well with the F-717 longerons.
Then I drilled the top line of the gear attach webs. It least this turned out well.
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