Update - For the notch that gets cut into the ends of the J-Stiffners (as detailed on the plans), Notch both ends of the two longest stiffeners. The shortest J-Stiffener that goes on the top only gets notched on one end. Really, in order to assembly the aft fuselage you only need to cut and notch the two sets of longest J-channels. So you can always leave the 3rd (short) set till much later.
After marking the ends per the plans, I rough cut them on the band saw and then using the 3M wheel they were easily shaped to final form.
Next I began a lose fit of the F-712, F-711 and F-710 bulkheads to the F-779 tail bottom skin. I knew from reading the various blogs that the bottom skin needed some TLC to fit the bulkheads better. It was easy to see how off it is.
I could also see how I needed to angle the flanges on the bulkhead. Yup, lots of adjustment needed.
I decided to hand bend the F-779 bottom skin, I took my time and slowly worked at it.
I finished up the day with clecoing the Aft fuselage to check fit.
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