I was dreading countersinking the firewall parts. I've never enjoyed this process as I could never easily work out the best countersink depth for mating a dimpled piece in a countersunk piece. Getting a rivet flush with the material was the easiest cause you just work up to flush. But its never really clear how far past flush you go for nesting pieces. I ended up countersinking a little past flush so there was a very small ring around the rivet. When cleco'ing a small piece of dimpled material to it a very small gap was still present. I believe when I rivet this gap will disappear, or a very least be nearly gone.
Unfortunately I made one small oops. I had accidentally countersunk the topmost #30 hole in the F-601N-L stiffener. That one particular hole shouldn't be countersunk as it rests on top of the F-601L-1 stiffener. Oh well, I will have to put in a small order after Christmas to Van's and rivet it later.
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