Next taking the same approach as documented by Mike Bullock on his RV build page, I used a 2x6 on edge and taped some dowels to it, this allows for the galvanized pipe and leading edge skin to sit nicely so I can begin dimpling the skin.
I quickly realized that using the CS4 male die on the rivet gin (with light pressure) was not the answer, the outer edges of the die mark the skin, its cosmetic, but doe not look great. I will have to buff these out... Grrrr!!! So I took the die off the rivet gun and dimpled them all by hand with a mallet on the rivet die holder. Few light taps does the job. But it is still easy to get that mark. Mental note, use a wooden dowel for the dimple hole....I suspect the pipe is just to hard and the curve and nature of the dimple contributes to those pesky marks.
I was now ready to prime. Everything got a nice scrub with 3m scotch brite and a good wipe with MEK. And next came primer.
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