All of the prep work on the aileron parts needed to be done. I knew the nose ribs where going to take a lot of time and I wasn't looking forward to it. Before I dove into that I set up the drill press with the 120deg countersink bit and countersunk the galvanized pipe mounting holes. Again...I was careful to only countersink the front attachment holes. Next I decided to jump into the prep of the nose ribs.
First I used small files to break all of the rough edges, a vary tedious process with all the nooks and crannies. I then used a file to round out the curve on the front of the nose ribs. Careful not to remove to much material, just to break the segmented points. Once I was satisfied with the edges, I them pulled out my dremmel with a 1" square of scotch bride and I began to polish the edges, nooks and crannies.
Then I debured the holes and dimpled them. To dimple the holes in the curved edge, I used the small diameter female die on the pneumatic squeezer.
I then debured all the holes on the leading edge skin.
That's enough for a night. I'm full of 3M dust!
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