I cleaned the #2 ribs and the hole blanks really well with MEK. I was careful to ensure correct orientations of the blanks (always a pain when you just wanna get it done). I decided to dimple the parts and backrivet.
Then next I needed to countersink Rib #1 for the access plate nut plates. I decided to go oops rivets for those and not dimple.
I'm fairly certain that I don't need to proseal these when attaching the nutplates. The plans say don't do it. I am using the NAS1473-A08 nutplates...Seems like everyone seals them with proseal.....but I'm thinking I don't have to. Nobody seals the standard nutplate method. The seal around the access plate takes care of any potential leaks. Hmmm. Need to read up on this.
I machined countersunk the anti-hangup bracket and backriveted the assembly with AN426AD3 rivets. I will wait until I get into proseal before I rivet it to the access plate.
All that's left to do is fit up the inner anti-holdup bracket, the fuel vent line and locate the fuel sender on the baffle plate. Then I am ready to dive into proseal!
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