Two big pieces taking up a large amount of space in my basement bedroom is the engine mount and the slider canopy. I am motivated to get these set into place so they are “out of the way”. Also installing the engine mount is fairly important as I need it in place so I can install the Grove Brake Reservoir. The reservoir is slightly larger than the Vans stock unit so I will need to make some adjustments. Only way to sort that is to get the engine mount on.
The engine mount went on (initially) a tad easier than I thought it would. I though long and heard about how I was going to hold the engine frame onto the fuselage. I thought of clamps, or using an elaborate setup with threaded rods through the firewall recess. At the end of the day, none of this is needed.
With some help..I found that the top two mounting holes lined up
extremely well with the factory pre-drilled holes in the bulkhead/engine
mounts. Only one hole (along the top) needs to be drilled as a pilot hole. This is easily done without the engine mount on the plane.
Now I can temporarily install the engine mount sliding it into the correct location. With some help from another person securely holding the frame. I was able to accurately locate the next top hole.
So I slowly started to open those two holes to #19 to allow the installation of a couple small #8 bolts that I have. Next I upsized them to AN3. I will hold off doing any more until I can finish drilling the rest of the bolts along the bottom.
Next I want to start in on the slider guide and spacer. The plans have you bend the tab at the top of the fuselage to allow the slider guide to sit properly. Gezzz its painful to bend a perfectly nice piece of the shiny fuse.
I began to mark out the guide and spacer positioning. This allows me to then note rivet positions on the canopy slider spacer. I want to ensure that the mounting holes are going to be centered